Josh Davis, Executive Director of Groundworks Collaborative for the past 11+ years, has announced that he will be leaving the organization in the coming weeks to become the Executive Director of SEVCA—Southeastern Vermont Community Action—at the start of the new year.
“Groundworks has been incredibly fortunate to have Josh at the helm for over a decade; during which the organization has grown tremendously to meet the increasing needs of our state and community,” said Board Chair Rita Ramirez. “Although this news is difficult and bittersweet, we are happy for Josh and excited about this next phase for Groundworks. With the dedication of the Board and our Leadership Team and staff, we will move into this next phase from a position of calm and strength.”
“Josh is leaving Groundworks with a vibrant and impactful legacy, felt most deeply through the leadership and organizational culture he has built together with staff,” said Director of Development & Communications Libby Bennett. “We will miss Josh immensely, but his presence will always be felt here alongside evidence of all we’ve built together.”
Davis began his fourteen-year history with the organization as a volunteer, cooking occasional dinners at Morningside Shelter while attending the SIT Graduate Institute. He went on to join the staff as an evening and weekend Advocate, later serving on the Board of Directors before being offered the Interim Executive Director position in 2012. In 2015, Davis was central to the merger process that brought together the Brattleboro Area Drop-In Center and Morningside Shelter to form Groundworks Collaborative. He also led the project to replace the old and crowded Drop-In Center with the newly constructed state-of-the-art shelter and related facilities at 54 and 60 South Main Street. That project and Josh’s leadership have enabled the organization to continue to grow, meeting basic needs with dignity at a once-unimaginable scale.
“I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to lead this organization for so long,” said Davis. “We have done amazing things while I’ve been here, in large part because of the dedicated and widespread community support for our mission. No doubt, this organization will continue to be a model for providing basic needs with dignity.”
“Groundworks is in a really solid place, having come through an exceptionally difficult year,” said Deputy Director Peter Elwell, who will serve as Interim Executive Director until the Board fills the vacancy. “One of Josh’s great strengths is the development of capacity in individuals and teams, and the outstanding current team here at Groundworks is poised to move solidly through this transition.”
Josh became the Executive Director of Morningside House in 2012—after a period of serving as Interim Executive Director when Paul Capcara stepped down.
The entire Groundworks community is wishing Josh and our partners at SEVCA all the best in their transition and look forward to our continued work together.