Your gift to support our operations allows us to continue the important work we do every day meeting basic needs with dignity. This work continues and has intensified greatly with our front line response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the people we serve. Thank you for supporting Groundworks—especially during this challenging time!
Groundworks Collaborative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 03-0267404). Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you so much for your support!
By Check
Checks can be made out to: Groundworks Collaborative
Mail to:
Groundworks Collaborative
Attn: Development Office
PO Box 370
Brattleboro, VT 05302
By Credit Card
Secure Credit Card Contributions
Secure credit card contributions can be made here. We encourage you to consider the option to cover the cost of credit card fees, the full amount of which are tax deductible.
Become a Monthly Sustainer
Our credit card donation processing system allows you to make a monthly Sustainer contribution with the click of a button – billing your card monthly in the amount of your choice. It takes seconds to sign up, and can be cancelled at any time. Monthly contributions make a lasting difference while spreading out your annual gift into conveniently budgeted payments. Our system will send you a monthly receipt, and our Development Office will send you an annual summary of your tax-deductible gifts to Groundworks Collaborative each January.
Better yet! You can set up a monthly automatic “bill pay” from your bank account, which sends a monthly check directly to Groundworks Collaborative using your bank’s online bill pay tools. This option eliminates the credit card fees that would otherwise be paid by Groundworks.
By Stock/Securities Transfer
Groundworks accepts gifts of stock, bonds, IRA distributions, and other assets.
Stock / securities that are actively traded on recognized stock exchanges and other readily marketable securities may be accepted as gifts by Groundworks Collaborative, according to the policies described below. As a general rule, securities given to Groundworks Collaborative will be sold as soon as possible.
For donors making a contribution through securities, please notify Groundworks Collaborative’s Director of Development & Communications ( to ensure appropriate and timely gift acknowledgment and proper gift credit.
Donation of securities via Wire Transfer is the recommended method of giving. Securities may be wired directly to Groundworks Collaborative’s brokerage account:
Account Holder:
Groundworks Collaborative
Account Number: H2Y – 290287
DTC: 0226
Brokerage Firm:
Park Place Financial Advisors (Commonwealth Financial Network)
221 Main Street
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
Telephone: (802) 257-7766
Representative: Kelli Warriner, CFP
By Bequest
Donors may designate Groundworks Collaborative as the recipient of a specific dollar amount, percentage amount, or as a percentage of the residual of their estate. Donors may include a similar provision in revocable or irrevocable trusts, or establish a separate trust by will, designating Groundworks Collaborative as the recipient of the estate residual. A charitable deduction is available to the estate for funds left to Groundworks Collaborative.
The following language may be incorporated in the donor’s will, written as a codicil to an existing will, or included in the donor’s revocable or irrevocable trust:
“I give, devise, and bequeath ________________ (describe dollar amount, percentage, property to be given, or proportion or your residuary estate) to Groundworks Collaborative, a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of Vermont with current headquarters located at 81 Royal Road, Brattleboro, Vermont 05301 for its general charitable purposes.”
Groundworks prefers that all bequests be made without restriction to Groundworks Collaborative. However, if restricting the gift is so desired, donors are encouraged to contact the Director of Development & Communications to ensure proper wording and designation. Donors are encouraged to notify Groundworks Collaborative when considering a bequest, in order to ensure that the assets left to Groundworks Collaborative meet the criteria set forth in this policy, and so that Groundworks can thank, recognize and properly steward the gift.
We are a proud member of the Vermont Community Foundation’s Planned Giving Partnership.
In-Kind Donations
Groundworks regularly accepts some types of in-kind donations of goods. Please refer to the updated Groundworks’ Consolidated Wishlists document to make sure the item(s) you wish to donate are on the list of those currently being accepted.
To pursue making an in-kind donation, please visit our In-Kind Donations page to review the Groundworks Wishlist and and submit the form so we can approve your donation.
If you have any questions about charitable giving (including planned giving – such as including Groundworks Collaborative in your will or estate planning), please contact our Director of Development & Communications, Becky Best, at: or 802-302-8310.